Thursday, December 8, 2011

Welcome to my treasure hunt! (Clue #1)

This treasure hunt will reveal *drum roll please*...
One of my deepest, darkest secrets.

And I know that might've sounded like a joke, but I'm being completely serious here. This will reveal one of my deepest, darkest, most personal secrets. One of the things I wish I could tell all of the people who read every single one of these posts to their faces, but I can't because I just don't have enough energy. One of the things that I wish I had the guts to say to all of your faces, but I just can't do it. Plus, if you make it to the end of this treasure hunt, you're one of the best people in the world and someone I know actually cares about what I say.

So, on that happy note, HAVE FUN!

P.S. I might just tell you some stories along the way.

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